Hello all,
Fall is upon us! The king of all seasons, if you ask me. The intensity of summer is fading at last. Bring on the rain. Let's plant some shit instead of picking it. With that in mind, we present below a calendar of very "unsummery" events happening in the next thirty days. These happenings are all food for your head and heart that we can't recommend attending enough. Only one is an official "Mississippi Records" event - but all feature good pals, family and collaborators we love and cherish.
We're also writing to let you know about our Fall Mississippi label warehouse sale! If you were ever stalling on pulling the trigger to buy one of our releases, this is the time to shoot.
All is well down at Mississippi Records Portland. The shop is full of good stuff. It's mostly top quality reissues, though great used collections have been coming through (and leaving too fast). If you don't like cheap reissues then maybe don't stop by. But - If you're open to getting a quality reissue record you could never find an OG of for a decent price, then our shop is Shangri La! To you snob record collectors who won't get with this golden age of reissues and insist on only buying O.G pressings, I suggest you look at your life and think about what you have become. The summer was topsy turvy with dizzying highs and low down lows. We are looking forward to slowing down, looking inward and listening to the wind....
Some things to look forward to in the months ahead -
- New Miriam Tsege Gebru LP's filled with material you've never heard (a perfect soundtrack to the Fall / Winter)
- On November 4, a new comp of the absolute heaviest Greek rebetika by the master, Markos Vamvakaris (listen here)
- The Weeds LP and EP complete works set
- Dead Moon - Going South, a very limited edition live double LP recorded in New Zealand in 1992. Killer!
- Michael Hurley's classic Sweetkorn rejigged in all the right ways
- Mississippi Records 20th Anniversary celebration (3 nights at the Hollywood Theater of killer shows and surprises at the record shop)
- The 9th installment of the Cairo soul series - This Is The Place (easily the best in the series. We saved all the real thunder for Vol 9 & 10)
- Reissues of several classic Mississippi releases from the Alan Lomax archive.
We are seeking a motivated, technologically sound and detail-oriented person to help us as a PART-TIME OPERATIONS MANAGER. This is a remote, online, job, 10-15 hours a week to start, with flexible start date. You'll help keep track of our pressing schedule, online orders emails, and general day-to-day operations of running a label. You'll be in touch with record shops, labels, and artists, across the country and around the world. We are a small company, so there is a lot of room to grow. People not traditionally well-represented in the record biz are especially encouraged to apply. $20-$25/hr. Please send info about your work experience and some references to jobs AT mississippirecords DOT net
It's gonna be a good Fall / Winter. Thanks for giving Mississippi Records some space in your life / on your turntable. We are truly grateful to all who have supported us over the years.
All love, Eric at Mississippi Records Shop, Portland
P.S - It's Dead Moon Night!
Five years ago the city declared October 5th an official holiday to celebrate Portland's most important band. The government actually handed over City Hall to a bunch of punks and we had a tribute concert featuring thirteen groups performing Dead Moon covers. Over 1,300 people attended. Fred and Toody Cole sat on specially constructed black Dead Moon thrones, watching the proceedings.
Fred passed away a couple weeks later. The last day I saw him he told me he planned to make an escape from the other side back to earth and to watch out for signs that he's in the room. I have indeed seen many of these signs since he left this side of the veil.
October 5th- DEAD MOON NIGHT! KBOO Radio, 90.7. 8 PM to 12 PM. The 5th anniversary of the official Portland city government proclamation of October 5th as a citywide holiday - Dead Moon Night.
To celebrate, there will be a four hour radio show on KBOO FM, from 8 PM to midnight. All Dead Moon and related bands, with some unheard surprises from the vaults and maybe a special guest or two.
Tune in and sing along!
October 11th Zabelle Panosian - I Am A Servant Of Your Voice Turn Turn Turn Time TBA About the most passionate advocate for forgotten voices, Ian Nagoski, will present a lecture and slide show about Zabelle Panosian. Zabelle was an Armenian American singer who many heads in the know consider one of the greatest vocalists of all time. Her story is fascinating and sheds light on the Armenian genocide and the immigrant experience. Do something good for your head and come on out, have a drink, and get your mind opened to an important voice you might have missed. Ian Nagoski has worked closely with Mississippi Records through the years, co-releasing twelve records with us and teaching us much about music that has been unjustly forgotten. He's truly deep and entertaining to listen to. Come be inspired by the man's passion.
October 18th Qwanqwa Mississippi Studios 8 PM
Straight from Addis Ababa, a classic Ethiopian nightlife band, with some experimental twists thrown in. Any way you cut it, this show will be a rocker. It's rare for Ethiopian bands of this caliber to tour, so get it while you can.
October 23rd Stepford Wives release show with the Babadook Hollywood Theater 7:30 PM A release party for Johanna Isaacson's (my sister!) newest book - Stepford Daughters - Weapons For Feminists In Contemporary Horror. Jo will be showing the film The Babadook followed by a slideshow / lecture on the film and beyond.
November 5th THE OPTIMIST CLUB INTERNATIONAL AND MISSISSIPPI RECORDS PRESENTS Roman Norfleet And The Be Present Art Group Michael Hurley Larry Yes Alberta Abbey 8 PM Mississippi Records is proud to team up with the mysterious Optimist Club to bring you a very special and highly recommended show. Roman Norfleet And The Be Present Art Group are a jaw droppingly good Spiritual Jazz ensemble. New to the Portland scene and, honestly, the band I'm most excited about in town right now. Is Mississippi Records brewing up a release by them in the Spring? Maybe so, maybe so. Michael Hurley is Michael Hurley - the greatest songwriter alive. I recommend never passing up an opportunity to see Hurley ply his craft onstage. Larry Yes is pure positivity and will aggressively try to make you believe in the power of love. This is a show not to be missed!
MIssissippi Records Portland Store We are now open SEVEN DAYS A WEEK!!!! 12 to 7 PM! (our stereo repair and retail shop is open Friday - Sunday, 1 to 6 PM). WE ARE EXCITED TO BUY YOUR RECORD COLLECTIONS! Please drop by anytime to sell stuff. We always have a buyer on duty and you do not need an appointment. Paying out 50 - 60% of our retail price (NOT - dumb internet prices though....Mississippi store prices) Email [email protected] if you have any questions about the shop. Mississippi Records CSR Our Community Supported Records program directly supports the label. Get each Mississippi LP at a discount as it's released, no matter how limited, plus special schwag and gifts on occasion. Limited to 300 spots. The CSR contributions help us pay for record pressings and generally stay afloat. More details here: https://sites.google.com/site/mississippicsr/
Mississippi Records Website Visit the site to get our label's records and tapes direct from us - we are constantly rotating our selection of mixtapes, new records from labels we distribute, and discounted out-of-print records, so be sure to check in often! We ship twice a week, every week. www.mississippirecords.net Mississippi Records Bandcamp There are hours and hours worth of albums available for free listening, and a whole lot of the releases are "pay what you want" if you want to download em. Check it out - https://mississippirecords.bandcamp.com/Mississippi Records Special Products Division Alice Coltrane For President and Mississippi Wreckers T shirts and tote bags! Post cards! Posters! Coozies! Oddities! Check us out weekly for new additions. www.mississippiwreckers.com
Toody Cole / Junkstore Cowboy Toody Cole has shuttered her Junkstore Cowboy Shop in our basement, but that does not mean you can't get your Dead Moon / Pierced Arrows / Rats / Range Rats / Tombstone schwag and records still from her badass online store. https://www.deadmoonusa.com/
Humboldt Neighborhood Association The neighborhood association for the zone the Mississippi shop rests in recently got taken over by some social activists who are working on mutual aid projects, youth programs, anti gentrification / tenants rights activities, and a community child care circle. If you are in the neighborhood and want to get involved, our first general membership meeting takes place on November 23rd. Check in with the website for a link! We got some work to do.... https://humboldtneighborhood.org/
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