Hello all, Truly psychedelic times. I am sure you don't want to hear any platitudes, but, fuck it, I have to give you one very old one I like - "New beginnings are disguised as painful endings”. If I know one thing, it's that. This week's newsletter features a story and video about Chicago legend Dr. Charles, a little history about country music in Zimbabwe, and a tour of the weird things in Mississippi Record's basement. Coming soon - recipes from Sweedeedee, excerpts from Abner Jay's unpublished autobiography, words from and/or about Michael Hurley, tips on how to troubleshoot stereo repair at home, movie recommendations, a free link to the music on the next Cairo Records soul comp and much more. There are links at the end of this update to our various web enterprises and free youtube mixes. Hang in there out there. You are far from alone and it’s all worth doing. All the love and love is love, Eric at Mississippi Records
Mississippi Records NewsletterVolume Two- April 6, 2020 |
Table of Contents: I. Record Store Stories: Volume 2- "A Basement Full of Nice Guys" II. Video Premiere: Flourishing Cities of Undead by Dr. Charles Joseph Smith (feat. Angel Bat Dawid) III. Steel Strings and Copperbelts: Cowboy Music from Central Africa |
Dr. Charles Joseph Smith - “Flourishing Cities of Undead” feat. Angel Bat Dawid, Dir. Cyrus Moussavi, Prod. Brittany Nugent, DP Sebastián Pinzón Silva
Mississippi YouTube Mixes Because I have lost the luxury of DJing records in my record shop for a captive audience all day, I am now creating daily "youtube mixes" - 10 songs a day as long as this shut in continues https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt2giAvNmgcm-wnnCIlcmXA/playlists?view_as=subscriber
Mississippi Store Gift Certificates Support the shop while we're closed with gift certificates by mail. Each gift certificate comes with special offers (see dropdown menu below).
Here's how it works: If you paypal, please include an address for us to send the gift certificate to. No need to specify what bonus prize you want until you come to the shop. Same if you mail us a check (Mississippi Records 5202 N Albina Ave Portland OR, 97217). You will only get the gift certificate by mail. Once we are re-opened, you can come in to redeem it for records and collect your bonus prizes. Gift certificates cannot be spent on our discogs store, website or bandcamp. (AND THANKS TO ALL WHO ALREADY PURCHASED THESE!) |
Gift Cards + Prizes | 15% off next purchase $20.00 USD15% off next purchase + free mix tape, tote, or T-shirt $50.00 USD15% off + free Mississippi LP, free tape, tote, or T-shirt $100.00 USD15% off + 2x Free Mississippi LP, free tape, tote, or T-shirt $200.00 USD15% off + 2x Free Mississippi LP, free tape, tote, or T-shirt $300.00 USD15% off + 2x Free Mississippi LP, free tape, tote, or T-shirt $400.00 USD15% off + 2x Free Mississippi LP, free tape, tote, or T-shirt $500.00 USD |
Mississippi Records Website New in stock: Moondog - On The Streets of New York (finally!) and The Emotional, Cosmic, & Occult World of Joe Meek! Visit our site to get our label's records and tapes directly from us, as well as some favorite labels we distribute. We will continue to ship packages on a weekly basis as long as it's safe to do so. We're also happy to hold orders til the coast is clear.www.mississippirecords.net
Temporary Mississippi Discogs We'll be adding at least 200 records to the site weekly. This online store will disappear the minute this pandemic is over. https://www.discogs.com/seller/mississippi-records/profile
Mississippi Records Bandcamp There are hours and hours worth of albums available for free listening, and a whole lot of the releases are "pay what you want" if you want to download em. Check it out - https://mississippirecords.bandcamp.com/
Mississippi Records CSR Our Community Supported Records program directly supports the label. Get each Mississippi LP at a discount as it's released, no matter how limited, plus special schwag and gifts on occasion. Limited to 300 spots. The CSR contributions help us pay for record pressings and generally stay afloat. More details here: https://sites.google.com/site/mississippicsr/
Toody Cole / Junkstore Cowboy Toody Cole will be shuttering her Junkstore Cowboy Shop in our basement until the record shop reopens, but that does not mean you can't get your Dead Moon / Pierced Arrows / Rats / Range Rats / Tombstone schwag and records still from her badass online store. Dead Moon shirts look just as good on you around the house as out in the world - https://www.deadmoonusa.com/
Mississippi Home Stereo (Retail and Repair) Mississippi's home stereo shop is now operational though in a smaller capacity. we can still provide affordable stereo equipment and full systems, basic replacement parts (needles, belts, etc.), and tech support by direct communication. We are maintaining limited hours at the shop on Wednesday and Sunday from 1-5pm for pick up/drop off only, and are available by email most any time. Please don't hesitate to reach out for technical support, trouble shooting, or equipment questions. Music is life essential!, we're here to help you stay in tune and vitalized by supporting your ability to experience it. Please reach us here - [email protected]
Tax and financing advice from a radical accountant Confused about small business and self employment options in these times? Check in with Jenna from Math LLC through the link below. Lot's of valuable information here.
Crisis Kitchen If you are looking for a good place to donate money, always good to start with feeding folks. I can recommend the Crisis Kitchen as a great place to make a difference with your cash. |
3231 S Halsted #197 Chicago IL 60640 United States of America